How an Electric Fence Works

An electric fence works by sending short pulses of electricity to a network conductive fencing.

These pulses, which are generated by an electric fence energiser are regular and continuous. The pulses are high voltage but very low current.

The pulses are uncomfortable to animals but they are not dangerous or damaging so animals simply learn to avoid them.

The energiser connects to the earth using a metal stake in the ground and when an animal touches the fence, because it is stood on the ground, it completes the circuit.

How an electric fence energiser works

An electric fence is made up of XXX main components


The Energiser

An energiser is a small box which takes a power supply, typically from a 12v battery, solar panel or mains electricity, they generate an electrical pulse at regular intervals, typically every one to two seconds.

Most energisers have a visual indicator such as a flashing light to show they are working.

A battery powered energiser is best for installations that need to be moved regularly, such as strip grazing, field rotation, or for areas which are not being consistently grazed. Battery energisers are also ideal for areas which do not have easy access to mains electricity or where solar powered energisers
may not experience much sunlight such as valleys or wooded areas.

Most energisers feature weatherproofing of some description, allowing them to be left running in all conditions.


The Fence/Fence Wire

The fence wire is the means by which the pulse is conducted around the perimeter of the area you are trying to enclose or protect.

There are a variety of fence wire options available and the type you choose for installation will be determined by a number of factors.

Solid Galvanised Wire
 The animals will dislike the sensation, deterring them from going near the fence. Most animals will receive a shock within the first week of the fence being erected, and from then on the animal will should the fence, which makes electrical fencing the safest and most reliable solution when it comes to securing and keeping your animals or livestock

The Earth Connection: This gives the current pulse the necessary path once an animal completes the circuit
An electric fence works by sending short, high voltage pulses of electrical current along the fence from the energiser. When an animal touches the fence it closes the circuit and sends the current back to the energiser through the earthing system. This pulse will pass through the animal very quickly, so the animal will only feel a brief shock.

The pulse is delivered at very high voltage but at very low current, this makes it unpleasant but not harmful.
The animals will dislike the sensation, deterring them from going near the fence. Most animals will receive a shock within the first week of the fence being erected, and from then on the animal will should the fence, which makes electrical fencing the safest and most reliable solution when it comes to securing and keeping your animals or livestock safe.
It is this same unpleasant sensation which deters predators and other pests and keeps them OUTSIDE of the fenced area.